Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Varied Shorebird Feeding Strategies

The varied feeding strategies allow shorebirds ranging from tiny sandpipers and plovers to this large Long-billed Curlew to share the same shorelines (photo by Paul Konrad).

We often encounter shorebirds one species at a time, but during winter many species mix together at prime feeding locations. These concentrations of sandpipers, plovers, and larger shorebirds like curlews and godwits offer birders an opportunity to view and photograph these interesting birds. But even if the shorelines in your area are frozen this month, you can enjoy observing a variety of shorebirds and learning more about their varied foods and feeding strategies, along with physical adaptations, especially their bill length and shape.

Take the time to enjoy an impressive video of these birds in action while getting insights for identifying them in the field. It’s all available on a Free video from the Bird Academy at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, which you can view at Shorebird Foraging Strategies | Bird Academy • The Cornell Lab (