Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Free FeederWatch for 50 Classrooms

Students proper in a number of ways by participating in Project FeederWatch activities in their classrooms.

Project FeederWatch can help engage children in the excitement of birds and the wonder of study and investigation by encouraging careful observations and note-taking, stimulating children to ask questions about birds, encouraging independent study, and providing opportunities for meaningful internet use and exploration. This year, 50 school classes in the United States will be able to participate in Project FeederWatch Free of charge. Applications are currently open for the 2023-24 FeederWatch season, so teachers are encouraged to file an application by June 16th.

The annual charge for 50 FeederWatch classes are being gifted by the family of a dedicated FeederWatch participant and public school teacher, Doris Waud, who helped to create the basis for the K-12 Education Program at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

For more information about this exciting opportunity, see Educator Resources - FeederWatch And if you know a teacher who might be interested in enrolling their class, please let them know about this opportunity.