Wednesday, September 13, 2023

October Big Day is October 14th!

Where will you be birding October 14 to celebrate October Big Day? (Burrowing Owl photo by Paul Konrad)
LeConte’s Sparrow photo by David Kirsch.

Mark your calendars for October Big Day, just a month away on October 14th! Like the Global Big Day, which takes place each May, the October Big Day is an opportunity to get a snapshot of birds around the world as we birders unite around our shared interest in birds and birding. Last October nearly 35,000 birders from 185 countries entered 80,000 checklists with eBird, demonstrating the power of birds to bring people together. Wherever you are on October 14, or wherever you decide to go that day, take a few minutes or a few hours to join in this global celebration. Participate from anywhere, even from home!

Watch birds on October 14th: It’s that simple. You don’t need to be a bird expert or go out all day long – even 15 minutes of birding is helpful – from home, from a nearby park, from your favorite hotspot – anytime between midnight and midnight in your local time zone. Some people will make a number of bird counts during the day, sometimes from different locations. Just identify the birds you see, count them during the time period you choose – 15 minutes or 15 hours – and report your sightings to eBird.

For all the information about the October Big Day, see October Big Day—14 Oct 2023 - eBird

You can enter your observations at Enter sightings on the eBird Website : Help Center or download the free eBird Mobile app to make submitting birding lists even easier. (Please enter your checklists no later than October 17 to be included in the results announcement – the earlier the better.)

Then watch the results roll in: During the Big Day, you can follow along with bird reports from more than 180 countries in real-time on the October Big Day webpage. For now, you can review last year’s results there to get an appreciation of how impressive the global reach of birding has become, at October Big Day - eBird

By taking part in the October Big Day you will also be celebrating Global Bird Weekend and World Migratory Bird Day. Be a part of the global team and help set a new record for October birding on the 14th – mark your calendar now.