Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Female Bird Photos – Audubon’s Best

A female Flightless Falkland Steamer Duck and her newly hatched brood were photographed in the Falkland Islands by Gail Bisson.
female Black-backed Woodpecker was photographed in eastern Washington by Nathan Wall.

Many times, photographers overlook female birds as photo subjects, so to emphasize that female birds are stunning in their behaviors and activities, the Audubon Bird Photography Awards introduced the Female Birds category in 2021. By creating a space for photographers to intentionally focus on females, Audubon’s aim was to draw more attention to female birds as photo subjects. In a new collection of 10 Female Bird photos, the story behind the image is provided, along with a tip about how you can more easily identify a female of that species

at 10 Phenomenal Female Bird Photos From the 2024 Audubon Photography Awards | Audubon

Some of the 10 photographs featured in this Audubon internet article may be even better than the award winners. Judge for yourself at 2024 APA winners here and the Top 100 here And if you find yourself motivated to take your own fantastic female bird photos, or if you’ve got a photo of a female bird you’ve already taken in mind for next year's Audubon Bird Photography Awards, see Entry opens in January!