Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Some Birds are Migrating North Earlier

A new study reports that Black-throated Blue Warblers are migrating north more than 5 days earlier now than 50 years ago (photos by Paul Konrad).
Whooping Cranes have initiated spring migration weeks earlier and later during fall migration according to a 2017 study.




Recent studies show that birds ranging from warblers to Whooping Cranes are initiating their spring migrations north earlier. For instance, Black-throated Blue Warblers are starting their spring migration about 5 days earlier than 50 years ago, about one day earlier per decade, according to new information analyzed by scientists and published last week in The Auk, Ornithological Advances. Monitoring Whooping Crane migration also shows these elegant birds have been migrating north noticeably earlier each spring.

Some people are quick to tie these long-term changes to climate change; others are more cautious; but bird migration studies being reported are certainly expanding and increasing conversations surrounding bird behavior, migrations, and the effects of changing environs – and what that means for the future. With climate change a more important topic in this year’s politics, it’s important to keep informed and consider how bird populations are faring and how they may be adjusting to, even changing with, environmental conditions.

Scientists, biologists, land managers, conservationists, and politicians also need these kinds of data along with information from on-going research to plan and address the trials of our changing world on birds and people.

The scientific article describing earlier migration dates for Black-throated Blue Warblers was published in The Auk February 20th and can be referenced at

The National Audubon Society articles that offer some thought-provoking discussions using this information as the basis for on-going conversations can be accessed at

A 2017 Audubon article with a similar theme regarding Whooping Crane migration may be of interest too, which you can review at