Be vigilant to keep your feeders clean and filled to benefit winter birds during National Bird Feeding Month (photo by Paul Konrad).
Bird feeding has become one of the most popular hobbies among Americans, according to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service survey results – more than 59 million people feed birds to be more precise! Feeding birds instills an interest in birds and birding that grows as people learn about and become more familiar with different birds in their area. Now, during February, people who live in cold areas with limited natural resources are encouraged to provide sources of nutritious, energy-rich food, fresh water, to go along with your landscaping that shelters wild birds – and inspire new people to join the effort.
Help spread awareness by inviting your friends, family, co-workers, and others to participate in National Bird Feeding Month. Be a hero – feed the birds! When you consider that the average songbird weighs less than 2 nickels, it’s easier to realize how winter can be a very trying time for birds in your neighborhood. Aware that February is one of the toughest months for birds, Illinois Congressman John Porter wanted to do something to help birds survive by bringing awareness to bird feeding and birding as a hobby. In response, in 1994, Porter read a resolution for February to become National Bird Feeding Month to Congress and the nation.
A portion of Congressman Porter’s resolution reads: “Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize February, one of the most difficult months in the United States for wild birds, as National Bird Feeding Month. During this month, people are encouraged to provide food, water, and shelter to help wild birds survive. This assistance benefits the environment by supplementing wild bird’s natural diets.
“In addition, Mr. Speaker, backyard bird feeding is an entertaining, educational, and inexpensive pastime enjoyed by adults and children. Bird feeding provides a needed break from today’s frantic lifestyles. Adults enjoy the relaxation and peacefulness afforded by observing birds at feeders, which serves to relieve stress and can get one’s day going on a tranquil note.”
For more information about National Bird Feeding Month see National Bird Feeding Month