Wednesday, May 4, 2022

World Migratory Bird Day

“Dim the Lights for Birds at Night” is the World Migratory Bird Day theme to promote helping to reduce collisions by songbirds and other birds that migrate at night (Black-throated Green Warbler photo by Paul Konrad).

This year’s theme for World Migratory Bird Day is to reduce the impacts of lights on migrating birds: “Dim the Lights for Birds at Night.” Light pollution attracts and disorients birds that migrate at night (most birds), making them more vulnerable to collisions with buildings and windows. Each year at least 100 million birds die from such collisions in the United States alone. Everyone can help by simply dimming lights using shades or blinds during overnight hours, and by turning out unnecessary lights indoors and outside; at home and at work.

Although World Migratory Bird Day is officially designated as May 14th, artificial light impacts birds throughout migration periods and during nesting and wintering seasons, when the light disrupts feeding and other vital behaviors. Because artificial light affects birds in many ways, it is impossible to know just how many birds are impacted by light pollution every year around the globe. Environment for the Americas is leading efforts to spread the message to “Dim the lights for birds at night” by highlighting the simple steps that individuals, businesses, communities, and governments can take to reduce the impact of light pollution on our precious birds.

Don’t wait until World Migratory Bird Day to react, start dimming overnight lights tonight, and contact Environment for the Americas for more information at World Migratory Bird Day