Wednesday, November 16, 2022

WaterTight Electric Cord Connectors

Watertight Electric Cord Connectors are available at BestNest.

When using an electric connection for heated bird baths and other outdoor features, it’s always best to use a WaterTight Electric Cord Connector that encases the electric connection at your water feature to ensure that rain, snow, ice, and other water sources cannot access an electric cord connection – making it safe and secure. It’s a bit surprising that heated birdbaths, heaters, and de-icers almost always have a short cord, which requires connecting to an extension cord, but by using a Watertight Electric Cord Connector, your electric connection will be safe outdoors.

To learn more about Watertight Electric Cord Connectors, refer to BestNest at Farm Innovators Watertight Cord Connector, Outdoor Green at