A big highlight for the week was the documentation of the First State Record Golden-fronted Woodpecker near Cheyenne, Colorado.
Four state records were established by birders in 4 states last week, including a First State Record Golden-fronted Woodpecker in Colorado, a Second State Record Clapper Rail in Kentucky, along with a Second State Record Common Gull in Maine, and a Fourth State Record Great Crested Flycatcher in Nevada. A relatively large hummingbird, a rare Plain-capped Starthroat was photographed in Arizona. Far afield on St. Paul Island in the Pribilof Islands of western Alaska, rare Asian birds being documented weekly this fall, including a Rustic Bunting and Willow Warbler last week – and there’s more to report below:
First State Record Golden-fronted Woodpecker – near Cheyenne, Colorado
Second State Record Clapper Rail – Louisville, Kentucky
Second State Record Common Gull – Matinicus Rock, Maine
Fourth State Record Great Crested Flycatcher – Tonopah, Nevada
Plain-capped Starthroat– Madera Canyon, Arizona
Rustic Bunting – St. Paul Island, Pribilofs, Alaska
Willow Warbler – St. Paul Island, Pribilofs, Alaska
Blue-footed Booby – Nare County, California
Wood Stork – near Parnell, Illinois
Arctic Tern – near Sawyer, Michigan
Steller’s Sea Eagle – Newfoundland
American Flamingos – Florida, Texas
Gray Gull – Florida
Slate-throated Redstart – California
Berylline Hummingbird – Arizona
For more information, you can refer to the American Birding Association’s Rare Bird Alert at Rare Bird Alert: September 20, 2024 - American Birding Association (aba.org) Special Thanks to the ABA for permitting us to use the ABA’s Rare Bird Alert to prepare this weekly replay.
You can often find more information about individual rare bird sightings from the ABA state rare bird alert listserves that you can access at Birding News brought to you by American Birding Association - (aba.org) or at ABA Rare Bird Alert | Facebook