This year’s Festival of Cranes art was created by Kent Vaughn.
The logo for the North Shore Birding Festival also gives an impression of the attraction of this annual December event for birders.
Speaking of bring good for the economy, birding festivals literally bring a wealth of tourism income to local hotels, motels, restaurants, coffee shops, rental car companies, fueling stops, and a variety of other businesses. Although December has the least number of birding festivals of any month, the festivals that happen are among the best in America. The Festival of Cranes at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in central New Mexico invites you to help celebrate its 35th annual event, a testimony to the quality and success of this 5-day birding festival. Similarly, the North Shore Birding Festival at Lake Opopka in central Florida takes place at one of the best inland birding destinations in North America!
To learn more about the 2 exceptional December birding festivals, you can refer to the links provided below:
December 5 to 9 – Florida – North Shore Birding Festival, Orange Audubon Society, Lake Opopka, Mount Dora, Florida; see North Shore Birding Festival
December 11 to 15 – New Mexico – Festival of Cranes, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, Socorro, New Mexico; see festival of the cranes • Friends of Bosque del Apache