You may encounter a Red-tailed Hawk almost anywhere across the United States south of Arctic regions. Enjoy a raptor outing to search for raptors near home, or consider planning to visit a raptor count site or attend a raptor birding festival (photo by Paul Konrad).
Help celebrate International Hawk Migration Week by visiting a hawk count site near you from Saturday September 14th to Sunday the 22nd. This particular week in September is one of the best to see the highest daily counts of migrating raptors across North America. Last year, 113 sites across Canada, the United States, and Mexico tallied more than 700,000 migrating raptors during International Hawk Migration Week! This year more than 50 raptor migration monitoring sites will be celebrating with special raptor events, workshops, demonstrations, and festivals.
Enjoy the annual spectacle of fall raptor migration and help raise awareness about hawks and other birds of prey, hawk migration, and the HMANA network of count sites that make HawkCount an invaluable resource. Consider supporting your local hawkwatch with a site membership or HMANA membership. The official sponsor for the 11th annual International Hawk Migration Week is Opticron Optics, and you can learn more about this continent-wide event at International Hawk Migration Week – HMANA
Birding festivals are being held at 2 of the most exciting raptor count sites. Learn more about the Hawk Ridge and Corpus Christi birding festivals at Hawk Weekend Festival 2024 : Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory and Celebration of Flight – HawkWatch International