Wednesday, May 15, 2024

ABA Birding Weekend in Minneapolis

Among the variety of birds on hand in the Minneapolis area, everyone will remember views and songs of Indigo Buntings (photo by Cheryl Rosenfeld).

Biking, hiking, photography, and socializing is the theme for the Community Birding Weekend in Minneapolis, May 25 and 26th, presented by the American Birding Association (ABA). Join a weekend of social fun and birding in Minneapolis from Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon, including birding walks, talks, social gatherings, and workshops. All activities are Free and open to the public, but participants must sign up in advance. Enjoy the greenest weekend in the Twin Cities filled with migrating and resident birds at a variety of locations – sometimes adjacent to the Mississippi River and Minnehaha Falls.

There will be binoculars for loan, bikes for hire, and OM System cameras with lenses available for loan during the field trips, so make sure to let ABA associates know if you are interested in loaners when you sign up in advance.

Join ABA representatives Dorian Anderson, Steve Ball, Gregg Severson, Kellie Hoyt, Brogan Alley, and Katinka Domen for a weekend of birding in Minneapolis. On Saturday morning, Dorian and Gregg will lead an adventure to explore the city’s urban birding hotspots by bicycle. During an afternoon talk, Dorian will describe his Birding by Bike Big Year adventures with you, and talk about how birding helped him overcome his struggles with stress and addiction. For the Evening Social, birders will gather for a chat and a drink at the Black Forest Inn.

The next morning, Brogan and Steve will lead a birding field trip in search of spring warblers, while trying our hand at photographing the many songbirds participants are bound to find. Sunday afternoon, Steve will lead a workshop session introducing us to the excitement of bird photography and share his expert secrets about how to get the kinds of special bird photographs we all enjoy.

For more information about the ABA Community Birding Weekend in Minneapolis, Minnesota, you can refer to 2024 ABA Community Weekend in Minneapolis, MN - American Birding Association