Wednesday, October 7, 2020

National Wildlife Refuge Week: October 11-17

National wildlife refuges provide a variety of different habitats across expanses of land that provide prime birding areas. Visit a refuge near you during National Wildlife Refuge Week and you may find a Little Blue Heron (above) or a Ruddy Turnstone (below) among the birds you encounter (photos by Paul Konrad).

Observed the second full week of October each year, National Wildlife Refuge Week celebrates the remarkable network of lands and waters that conserves and protects Americans’ precious wildlife heritage. The National Wildlife Refuge System consists of 549 refuges that provide vital habitat for thousands of native bird species and other wildlife. National wildlife refuges offer outstanding recreation opportunities, and Refuge Week is a perfect time to see why tens of millions of Americans visit refuges each year to enjoy birding, hiking, wildlife watching, and more.

The National Wildlife Refuge System includes 568 national wildlife refuges and 38 wetland management districts covering 95 million acres of land that is managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. In addition to protecting and provided vital habitat for birds and other wildlife, wildlife refuges also add to Americans’ comfort and safety by reducing flood risks and wildfire damage, providing cleaner air and water, and supporting local communities in many ways. While carrying out the Refuge System’s wildlife conservation mission under the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997, wildlife refuges add $3.2 billion annually into area economies and support more than 41,000 jobs! Refuges also facilitate birding tourism income for area restaurants, hotels, campgrounds, service stations, sporting goods stores, and other businesses.

During National Wildlife Refuge Week 2020, many refuge events are planned. Some are listed at and you can check for any events at your nearest wildlife refuge at

For more information about the National Wildlife Refuge System, visit and to learn more about how refuges make life better for us all, see