Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Family Time: Sharing Flight & Migration Info

It’s fun to share information about migrating birds with family members (Canada Geese photographed by Paul Konrad).

If you are looking for a great way to share some quality family time with children of any age, look into the Flight and Migration slide show to ponder simple and advanced topics about birds, such as: Why do birds fly? How do birds fly? Look into wing shapes, a robin’s flight adaptations, and compare the number of wing beats per second among a few birds. Learn about the birds that fly highest during migration, and the birds that migrate farthest. List flight and migration hazards that birds face, and watch animated migration maps of popular species. There are also suggestions for fun games and quizzes to share.

The Flight and Migration slide show is a great starting point, and it even lists ways to explore these topics in greater depth. You may even have some associated topics of interest that you can add to the mix – research some questions you may have, then share the information you collect as part of your family discussion. Take a look and see how you can use this slide show to interact with your children. You can also share this information and slide show with teachers, who can use it to develop their own class curriculum to stimulate discussions and interactions among classmates. Bird flight and migrations are interesting topics to learn about and to explore in groups – at home and at school.

To view the Flight and Migration slide show, developed for children aged 5 to 17 by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, see Flight and Migration - Google Slides

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