Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Please Don't Disturb New Fledglings

It’s that time again; young birds are filling neighborhood yards, local parks and rural areas as this season’s nestlings begin to leave their nests. This is an especially hazardous time for young birds. Known as the “post-fledging period,” new fledglings continue to be cared for and fed by the adults, but they are just learning what to eat, where to find food and what constitutes danger – not to mention they are learning to fly. Young birds are actually most vulnerable after leaving the nest than any other time in their life. 

But when you find a young bird, don’t disturb it and don’t touch it! Leave it where it is; its parents are nearby and will soon be bringing food to the fledgling. This fledgling–adult learning period is paramount to the future survival of young birds; so have faith, the little bird does not need your assistance or rescue. If it can’t fly yet, never fear; it will be flying quite well in a day or two. In the meantime, it will follow a parent to beg for food and learn where to find it in the process. Have faith and let nature take its course. And enjoy observing the post-fledging period as a variety of birds continue to feed, protect and teach their fledglings all around you