Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey: Hawks, Eagles, Falcons and Vultures of North America

These guys have lived lives filled with raptors from the Atlantic to the Pacific, they feel the pulse of migrations, they know what drives raptors and they know the feelings birders get when they witness these birds in flight, in pursuit, at the nest, and through the seasons. Pete pours these elements mixed with a broad understanding of raptor biology into this compelling book. Kevin illustrated the varied traits of raptors with the best of his photos mixed with a hand-picked blend of other photographers that fill this book with a special collection of stunning color photos showing raptors up close, and in action – flying, diving, hunting, nesting, migrating, and more – Karlson weaves an unsurpassed visual mix that transmits the true essence of these spectacular birds, as described by Dunne.

This is truly Pete Dunne’s definitive guide, in which he provides comprehensive authoritative text that goes far beyond identification to cover what each species eats, where they range, and how they behave, along with raptor biology, ecology, and conservation mixed into the authoritative species accounts with historic context – presented in enjoyable, easy-reading fashion with plenty of Pete’s usual flair.

Kevin Karlson has personally photographed all North American raptors, but more important, he has recorded some of the classic photos of birds of prey along with stunning images that may never be repeated. His understanding of the biology and behavior of raptors is reflected in the photos he selected for this publication, and his academic insights and personal accounts are mixed into the text with gusto.

Part reference book, part best seller in the nature stacks, you can see more information about Birds of Prey: Hawks, Eagles, Falcons and Vultures of North America with its definitive raptor photographs via Buteo Books at