Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Registration Opens for November's Rio Grande Birding Festival

Registration for the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival (Nov. 8-12) starts August 1, and 12 noon CDT. The website has details of speakers, workshops, seminars and field trips.

Keynote speakers are Noah Strycker and Nathan Pieplow. Huge trade show. New field trip destinations this year, plus continuing the "classics" to get you maximum new birds!

Need Great Kiskadee, White-tipped Dove, Clay-colored Thrush, Altamira Oriole, Green Jay, Least Grebe, White-tailed Hawk, Green Kingfisher, Plain Chachalaca, and 20-some others for your life list???

Join us in way-south-Texas for the 24th Annual Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival!